
Finalizó el pasado domingo el Cto. de España 1/8 TT en Ripoll.

Una carrera que estuvo marcada por la lluvia, característica de esa parte de los Pirineos.

Robert Battle, se hizo con la victoria, seguido de Dani Bernabé y Bryan Badó. Mencíon especial a Carlos Pineda, que repite final en el Cto. de España 2012.


1. Robert Batlle – Mugen / Nova / Merlin Fuel
2. Dani Bernabé – S-Works /RB

3.  Bryan Baldó – Mugen / Nova

4. Albert Navarro – Mugen / Nova

5. Alberto García – Serpent /RB

6. Andrés Marcelino  – Mugen / Argus

7. Oscar Baldó – Mugen / Nova

8. Borja Hernández – LRP / Argus

9. Carlos Pineda – Associated / RB / Merlin Fuel

10. Juanma Vera – Xray / Novarossi


It was held in the north of holland in Friesland EE the track surface was grass Saturday there were some people to train weather was not very good temperature was good but there was very much wind very difficult to land your car right after the jumps. In the evening around 3 O’clock rain was starting to fall very hard and in the morning the grass track changed into muddy surface and for the buggy’s it was very heavy to drive. First qualification round was wet but some guys decided to drive, First qualification round was one by JQ driver rajco van der sluijs he drove 11 rounds in 5.26 so TQ for First round. Second qualification round was won by TLR driver Bart Mullink he drove 11 rounds in 5.01, so he TQed the second round. For the third round of qualification heavy rain started to fall and some guys didn’t even set a time, jeffrey halsema also didn’t set a time so he decided to start Q3 and also bart mullink and some other drivers decide

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Se ha disputado la 4ª prueba del cto. Holandés de 1/8 TT en Friesland. Este circuito está completamente hecho en hierba artificial.

La nota predominante de la primera jornada fue el fuerte viento que hacía muy complicado volver a posar el coche tras los saltos que se convirtió posteriormente en lluvia.


Sportsman Class

1 Nico Besselink TLR, Werks, Merlin fuel

2 Edwin Schonewille, Tecnopower, Merlin fuel

3 Ad de Leest  Xray, PSR


Hobby Class

1 Nico Besselink TLR, Werks, Merlin fuel

2 Edwin Schonewille, Tecnopower, Merlin fuel

3 Ad de Leest  Xray, PSR

Fuente y fotos:

The First Edition of RC Show 2012 took place last weekend at the Fuencarral Track in Spain. With typical Spanish sunny weather, this Open International event brought the top national drivers in this category as well as those from other countries. RC Show´12 was a three day event, with controlled practice on Friday, qualifying on Saturday and the mains on Sunday. Also on Saturday evening after the qualification rounds, Mike Truhe and Kevin Gahan from TLR put on a great exhibition with the Losi 5T while Spanish pilot Julio Memba also put on a 3D helicopter exhibition for the crowds. Portuguese driver Miguel Matias topped qualifying and was TQ on Saturday but after Sunday’s semi finals it was the Spanish driver and current European champion Robert Batlle who put his Mugen in the top position and would go on to win, followed by TLR´s Mike Truhe with Agama driver Dani Vega completing the podium.

[Text from]


Final result:

1. Robert Batlle (ES) &#8211

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El circuito de Fuencarral, en Madrid, acogió el RC Show 2012, organizado por y que esperamos sea una cita que se anote en los calendarios internacionales en los años venideros.

Esta fue la clasificación final:

1. Robert Batlle (ES) – Mugen / Novarossi / Merlin Fuel – 60 v. – 45:17.239

2. Mike Truhe (USA) -TLR / Orion – 58v. – 44:40.222

3. Dani Vega (ES) – Agama / Orion – 58 v. 45:00.616

4. Miguel Matías (PT) – TLR / RB – 58v. 45:33.033

5. Alberto García (ES) – Serpent – 57 v. 45:07.014

6. Juanma Vera (ES) Xray / Nova – 57v – 45:22.220

7. Iván Carmona (ES) – 57v. 45:28.966

8. Ramón Nuño (ES) – 55v. 45:28.966

9. Bryan Baldó (ES) – 54v. 45:54.043

10. Daniel Pariente (ES) – 52v. 45:03.003

11. Ignacio Gutiérrez (ES) – 51v  45:04.975

12. Oscar Baldó (ES)  – 26v. 20:39.861


Galería de fotos: [Link]

Bandera-de-Puerto-Rico (1)We have pleasure in introducing SS-Factory inc. as new Merlin Fuel Dealer for Caribbean Area.

SS Factory is a professional Importer based in Puerto Rico.

They will take care of the whole Caribbean area.

We hope with his help, Merlin Fuel will be a popular RC product in such a nice area.

Bandera-de-Puerto-Rico (1)

Desde esta sección queremos dar la bienvenida al nuevo distribuidor para el área del Caribe de Merlin Fuel, SS Factory Inc, ubicado en Puerto Rico.

SS Factory es un importador profesional con influencia en todo el área del Caribe, Dominicana, Venezuela, etc.

Estamos seguros que esta unión hará de Merlin Fuel una marca tan popular como lo es Ahora en nuestro viejo contintente.

The second Round for Spanish Nats 1/8 On-Road was held in Elche track, in Alicante area, managed by Club Carsol

Was a hard race, with temperatures over 35ºC, 50ºC on the asphalt and a high relative humidity. A hard test for engines and fuel.

Oscar Cabezas (Motonica / Novarossi / Merlin Fuel)  TQ’d and set a new track record.

Elche track is small, but really fast. Laptime is just about 12 seconds.

After winning the semi-final, Cabezas kept the first place during almost 30 minutes, closely followed by Sergio Montensinos, who managed to took the first place in the tire change.

Oscar took again the first place after a few laps. A few laps later, Montesinos had glowpug failure, and Cabezas, who was driving with no brakes after a crash with Montesinos could set a comfortable and safe pace to finish the race in first position.

Final result:

1. Óscar Cabezas – Motonica / Novarossi / Merlin fuel<br

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elche2Finalizó la segunda prueba del Cto. de España 1/8 pista, disputada en el circuito que gestiona el Club Carsol.

Una dura prueba que se disputó a 35ºC a la sombra, 50º en el asfalto y una alta humedad ambiente.

Oscar Cabezas, (Motonica / Novarossi / Merlin) se adjudicó la pole, como viene siendo habitual, hace ya mucho tiempo y ganó su semi-final. Además pulverizó el record del circuito.

La vuleta al circuito se completa en poco más de 12 segundos, ya que es un trazado pequeño y además muy rápido.

Ya en la final Óscar que partía desde la primera plaza, consiguió alguna ventaja en las primeras vueltas. Sin embargo Sergio Montesinos consiguió bajar esa distancia y permaneció 35 minutos acechando a Óscar, hasta que finalmente la bujía de Montesinos dijo basta y perdió toda posibilidad de disputar la primera posición a Óscar.

Con ello la clasifiación final fue la siguiente:

1. Óscar Cabezas – Motonica

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Concluyó ayer en Lleida la 3ª prueba puntuable para el Cto. de Cataluña 1:10 200mm.

El podium:

1. Sergi Franch – X-Ray / Reds / Merlin Fuel

2. Carlos Atienza

3. Rubén Martínez


Con ésta, Sergi suma su tercera victoria consecutiva en el cto. Catalán, después de las logradas en Sta. Oliva y Cerdanyola.

Merlin Fuel